Christian Meier

Christian Meier is currently Emeritus Professor of Ancient History at the University of Munich. His academic work has focused primarily on classical Athens and the late Roman Republic. He has also studied modern democracy and the politics of the Federal Republic of Germany. He has been President of Verbandes der Historiker Deutschlands (1980-1988) and secretary general of the Historischen Kollegs of Munich (1981-1995). He was co-founder of the Science Academy of Berlin-Brandenburg and President of the Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung (1996-2002). He has been awarded several prizes including the Jacob-Grimm Preis in 2003 and the Austrian medal of honour for Science and Art in 2006.

Political Concepts and Time. New Approaches to Conceptual...

Javier Fernández Sebastián...(eds.)
Colección Social Sciences & Humanities

Political Concepts and Time. New Approaches to Conceptual...

Javier Fernández Sebastián...(eds.)
Colección Social Sciences & Humanities